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Saturday, November 19, 2011

Our First Snow in Utah

Well, there was a light spattering of snow about a week and a half ago, but that didn't really count. Last night, we got some real snow. Now, I absolutely hate snow, but you all knew that right? It's fine and dandy when you drive up to the mountains, go sledding, make snow angels and snowmen, and all that, but living in it is awful. The cold, the wet, the ice, shoveling snow and scraping windshields and not being able to go out whenever I want to. . . it's awful!
Ok, enough of my rant. Despite my dislike for the weather, I don't want to keep Katie away from all the fun experiences with snow. We've stocked up on some winter clothes for her (everything from last Winter in Rexburg is too small) and headed out to play today! She had a good time, although she mostly enjoyed eating the snow. Haha!

There's the playground momma!
Can you see the excitement?

See her little boogers? She's had a runny nose for a while now, but it was really acting up outside. I think she gets that from me. If I spend more than 3 or 4 minutes out in the cold, my nose runs like crazy!
Brad kept throwing snowballs at her. Poor girl. Lol. And then he plopped a huge thing of snow on her head! She didn't really notice it was there though. :)
See? She loved just eating the snow. No worries. We made sure she only ate the clean top layer.
I tried to make a snowman, but it broke. So I made a mini one. :)
Hope everyone else is out enjoying their weather today!

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