First, while I was in California at the beginning of the month, I found out that we're going to be having a baby!
I'm still only 7 1/2 weeks along, so there's no ultrasounds or even a first doctors appt yet, but i'll be sure to keep you all updated!
We're pretty excited.
I feel so blessed lately and it makes me so grateful to the Lord.
First we find out about our sweet little child, and then last Thursday, Brad got a job!
I saw a posting ont he BYUI website for an early morning custodial position on campus and I immediately told Brad about it.
He went down to the office that day, and they hired him!
A girl came in the room right after him about the job and they told her "Sorry, we just gave away the last position."
Talk about perfect timing!
The extra income is going to relieve so much stress, and since stress is the last thing I need right now, this makes me pretty happy.
So far, the pregnancy has been a little bit more suffering than joy.
Don't get me wrong, I am SO grateful, but i've got indigestion, extreme fatigue, morning sickness, and my stomach hurts ALL THE TIME.
But, this too shall pass, right?
This last Saturday, my brother Paul invited Brad and I to go to Bear World with him and some friends!
None of us had ever been because it's so darn expensive, but it was the last weekend of the season and half price, so off we went.
It was pretty awesome.
You can drive your car through the enclosure, or take a curator tour, or even both as we did.
While we were waiting for our tour to start, we checked out the baby cubs.
They were so adorable!
This is one of the female black bears.
Brad ended up getting some of the food out, but the goat ate the rest of it right out of the dispenser!
Oh yeah! I forgot about the bear fries! They were yummy!
I'm so excited for you guys! The first appointment is so great. I didn't know whether to laugh or cry, I was so excited during that ultrasound! Amazing!
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