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Monday, October 6, 2008

Mix CD or Jigsaw Puzzle?

Not that many people actually read my blog, but in any case, sorry for not updating for a few days.
I was in Utah all weekend with Brad, staying at Jenna's house.
And Brad wrote all the details in his blog.
So i'll spare you all the details for fear or repetition.
And my plain laziness.

So anyways, happy news!
I got my camera back yesterday!!!
So expect billions and gillions of pictures to appear on my Facebook and on here!

Rather than looking for jobs today, which I know I SHOULD be doing, i'm going to do something else.
Wedding stuff!
I'm gonna head over to Michaels in a bit and look at some stuff for my mom.
Then I might head over to the post office and check on postage for my two invitation ideas.
Then I dunno.
I'll just see where the wind blows me.

The one thing that sucks:
I HATE doing things by myself.
I know that seems contradictory to my general nature, because i'm usually rather independent.
But when it comes to driving places and doing things, I just don't like to do it alone.
This may sound lame, but my dad took me to the dentist last month, and he wanted to just drop me off and pick me up later, but I hated it.
I made him go inside with me and help me check in.
THEN I let him leave.
Which still wasn't fun.
I don't know why I can't just be normal and be an adult, but I just can't!
That sounds bad considering i'm getting married in 7 weeks, but oh well.
That's what Brad is for.

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